
Worthless brave little toaster meaning
Worthless brave little toaster meaning

worthless brave little toaster meaning

Worth noting: the film’s entire budget was 2.3 million dollars.

worthless brave little toaster meaning

It was actually produced by Hyperion Animation and The Kushner-Locke Company. Anyways, it’s billed as a Disney movie, but the thing is, it’s not. If you don’t remember it well enough (or if you’ve never seen it), you should watch it again sometime, it’s on YouTube for free. From its endearing characters to its not-so-subtle sexual/dependent undertones for the Master. Most people who were kids (or had kids) in the 87′ – 97′ range are familiar with The Brave Little Toaster (TBLT). I’m going to be talking about the 1987 film, The Brave Little Toaster, more specifically, I’m going to focus on its song, “Worthless.” That said, I’d still recommend you give it a chance simply because there is some very interesting stuff in here. Still, if you have no interest in an in-depth discussion of old cartoons, or seeing my more analytical side, then you probably won’t find much of interest in this post. This is definitely one of those times where I will deeply analyze and research something that was probably never really intended to be subjected to much scrutiny, or maybe it was, and that is what makes it fun. While I’ve changed some parts, added some photos, and reworked the formatting (which was horribly broke and ultimately required no less than 30 formatting edits), it’s largely the same general thesis as it was before – just more blog friendly. Because I wanted to memorialize it a bit better as well as share it with a larger audience, I’ve decided to “port” it over to Dinosaur Bear. This is actually a modified version of an email I sent to Meem, SB, and Daryl 1 back in January. This post is a bit outside of my usual blogging area, but I think it will be a lot of fun regardless.

Worthless brave little toaster meaning